30 Aug Synergy Benefits Wins an Award for Saving Clients Money through Freshbenies
Synergy Benefits received an award for saving our clients at Synergy $1M (in total) from unnecessary healthcare claims, by using Freshbenies with our clients. Freshbenies is a unique money-saving membership program that Synergy Benefits can offer to its’ clients.
Freshbenies is not insurance, but a program that we can implement for our members that allows employees have access to a variety of health-related services, including web office visits (tele-health) dental discounts, prescriptions savings and more .
Synergy Benefits and Freshbenies can offer more discounts to their subscribers and/or members through this program. This is just another way that Synergy can help businesses with benefit management services!
Let a representative of Synergy Benefits help you see the value of working with Synergy Benefit Management. Call us today to discuss your company benefits plan.
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